Over time, you may find it is no longer necessary or convenient to receive the system email notifications in your specified Administrator email account.
Turning Off Email Notification
Step 1:
In the Admin area, select 'Administrators' on the left-hand side.
Step 2:
Click anywhere on the name of the Administrator who would like this function turned off. You will be directed to the individual contact record for that Administrator.
Step 3:
Click on the blue 'Profile options' button in the top right corner, then 'Edit contact'.
Step 4:
With the editable record of the Administrator open, scroll to the very bottom of the page.
Under the 'Receive admin email notifications' section, 'untick' the box(es) next to the module(s) for which you no longer wish to receive an email notification.
A full Administrator will receive an email notification for Membership / Coaching / Booking Modules. Please Note: For Booking notifications you don't receive an email every time someone books a court only when they cancel.
Step 5:
Click on the blue 'Save contact' button to save your changes and complete this process.
Turning On Email Notifications:
Step 1:
In the Admin area, select 'Administrators' on the left-hand side.
Step 2:
Click anywhere on the name of the Administrator who would like this function turned off. You will be directed to the individual contact record for that Administrator.
Step 3:
Click on the blue 'Profile options' button in the top right corner, then 'Edit contact'.
Step 4:
With the editable record of the Administrator open, scroll to the very bottom of the page.
Under the 'Receive admin email notifications' section, tick the box(es) next to the module(s) for which you wish to receive an email notification.
A full Administrator will receive an email notification for Membership / Coaching / Booking Modules.
Please Note: For Booking notifications you don't receive an email every time someone books a court only when they cancel.
Step 5:
Click on the blue 'Save contact' button to save your changes and complete this process.
Please Note: The notifications available to you, will vary depending on the modules you have available and the type of admin access you/the admin in question has.
Also if you have 'Booking' ticked, please be aware you won't receive an email notification every time someone makes a court booking, only when someone cancels their court booking.