Within your ClubSpark account for your venue or coaching organisation, you can set your Profile which includes adding your consents, social media accounts and much more.
This guide will go through the steps in how you can set up and edit the Profile Module within your account.
Step 1:
You will first need to log in to ClubSpark, with the same account as associated with your admin area. Once logged in and within the admin area, you will need to head to the Profile Module
Step 2:
Once you are within the Profile Module, you will be able to add your Privacy Policy for users to agree to when first registering and Consents by clicking on the 'Consents' button in the top right corner underneath your name.
For more information on adding your venue's Consents please have a look at the following guide:
Step 3:
Within the Profile Module, you will see your venue's details which include your ClubSpark Account Number (CAN), which usually starts as CS 0 (numerical), and your venue's name, address and location (longitude and latitude).
Step 4:
Below this, you will be able to set your junior age from anywhere between 13 and 21.
You can use this to set the age up to which you want the system to consider your contacts as juniors.
Junior contacts cannot be emailed directly. The email address for their Parent/Guardian contact will be used when a junior contact is emailed.
Step 5:
In the next section, you will be able to enter your reply-to email address.
If set, any replies to emails sent to your contacts from ClubSpark will be delivered to the email address in the 'Reply-To Email Address' field.
Step 6:
Next, you will be able to enter your Social Media account information. This information will appear at the bottom of your website so visitors to your website can click through to your social media pages:
Facebook: The venue's Facebook page name, e.g. ClubSpark. You can get this from the end of the Facebook web address, e.g. https://www.facebook.com/ClubSpark.
If you have a group, include everything after the Facebook URL, e.g. groups/clubspark.
Twitter: The venue's Twitter name, e.g. ClubSpark. You can get this from the end of the Twitter web address, e.g. https://twitter.com/ClubSpark.
Instagram: The venue's Instagram name, e.g. ClubSpark. You can get this from the end of the Instagram web address, e.g. https://www.instagram.com/clubspark.
Step 7:
Once you have entered all the information within the ProfIle Module, remember to click the blue 'Save Changes' button at the bottom of the screen.