Within the Admin Area, head to the Coaching Module where you will be taken to your Coaching Programmes (Coaching Module landing page). From here, you will be able to access your Holiday Camps, Coaching Team, Coaching Reports and Coaching Sessions.
Viewing Programmes:
When you enter your Coaching Module, you will first be shown all your Adult and Junior Programmes (image above). Here you can add a new programme by pressing the blue 'Add new category' button in the right-hand corner of the screen or selecting a programme that you wish to add a course to.
Here are our guides on creating the following courses:
All Sessions:
To view all your coaching sessions/courses, click on the 'All Sessions' tab found at the top right-hand side of the screen. Here you can filter the classes by time frame, day, programme, coach etc.
This information can also be exported into a CSV or PDF file.