Creating a role/responsibility is good if you want to allow a specific person to have different booking rules from others, but don't want to create a separate membership package for them. For example, someone with the league captain role could have a different schedule that allows them to be the only members who can book courts every Tuesday between 19:00 - 21:00. For more information on managing your schedules, click here.
This guide will go through the following:
- How to create a responsibility (go to step 1)
- How to assign a responsibility to a contact(go to step 4)
Step 1
To manage your roles and responsibilities at your venue, head to the Booking Module within your Admin area and click on 'Settings' in the top right-hand corner of the page. Here you will have different setting options, click on the blue 'Manage roles and responsibilities' button.
Step 2:
You will be taken to this page. The boxes in grey are roles/ responsibilities already created by the system, you can assign these ones to contact records (you won't need to create a new one). You can also archive roles that are no longer in use by ticking the box that appears at the end of the role.
Please Note: The prepopulated roles/ responsibilities (boxes in grey) cannot be archived.
Step 3:
This page allows you to create and edit the roles and responsibilities at your venue. They can be applied to different contacts/members and to your schedule(s). To add a role and responsibility, click on the blue 'Add new responsibility' button, and the following line will appear. Here you can add the name of the role and add a description if needed (or keep this blank this is just for admins to see). Please remember to click 'Save' after making any changes before you exit the page.
Please Note: Please be aware that whilst you can add multiple roles to a contact, it will affect their views and court booking rights. So in general just choose the role that meets the person's needs.
Step 4: Assigning the Role/Responsibility to a Contact
Next, go to the Contacts Module and find the person you want to assign the role to.
Step 5:
Open up the record by clicking on the person's name, this will bring up their contact record, and then click on the blue 'Profile options' button in the top right.
Step 6:
Then select 'Edit contact'.
Step 7:
Scroll down to 'Organisation roles' and tick the role you would like to give the contact, in the example below we have given them the 'League Captain' role.
Step 8:
Scroll to the bottom of the page and select the blue 'Save contact' button.
This contact will now be able to book according to the rules set up for that role.
Please Note: When viewing the booking sheet they will need to change the view. Click here to learn about booking sheet views.