Within the basic settings you can configure your booking sheet access, court opening hours, enable online payments and also create various booking rules.
To manage your basic settings, select 'Booking' on the left of your screen within the admin area, select 'Settings' in the top right of your screen:
Select 'Manage Basic Settings':
Below are various rules you can apply to your booking sheet:
You can select any of the following:
- Anyone, this is any member of the public who is viewing your website will be able to view your booking sheet;
- Logged in users, to view your booking sheet, users must have a registered account with your venue;
- Members or anyone assigned a role at your venue, only users with an active membership or a role assigned to them will be able to view the booking sheet.
- Booking administrators only, this would only be available to users with the booking administrator role assigned to them.
Viewing names on the booking sheets, so you can set this to either of the following:
- Only a member or anyone with a role assigned to them can view the names against the booking sheet;
- Only booking administrators can view the names against the booking sheet.
When these rules are applied, anyone viewing the booking sheet, the slots would appear as 'Booked' rather than showing the name.
You can enter the opening and closing times of your venue and you can also set the earliest time at which a user can place a booking.
For booking slot duration, you can set the length of time of a booking slot, you have the option from 15 minutes up to 120 minutes.
If you do wish to accept online payments then you will need to enable this here and you will also need to enter how many hours before the booking takes place when refunds will no longer be given automatically for cancelled bookings.
If you do enable online payments then you will need to set up your account with Stripe, this is straight forward, if you select the blue banner and follow the instructions:
Booking Rules
Booking rules allow you to decide the following:
- Number of days in advance a user can make a booking;
- Maximum number of bookings they can make during a period;
- Maximum number of bookings users can make in the specified time frame. Eg. maximum bookings during a period is 5 and the maximum bookings period in days is 7, this would mean a user is restricted to 5 bookings in any 7 day period.
- Maximum booking slots per booking, if the booking interval is set to 30 minutes and the max booking slot is 3, the maximum length of a single booking will be 1 hour and 30 minutes (3 x 30 minutes).
You can give a different set of rules to members and non-members and also for anyone with a role assigned to them such as Booking administrator or a coach.
In the example above there is a default rule for 'Everyone' and a rule for members.
So members are able to book 7 days in advance, they can make up to 8 bookings within 1 day and they can book up to 6 booking slots in 1 booking.
For anyone who is not a member, the default rule would apply to them, so if you wish to create a different rule for a booking administrator then select 'Add row', you will then have a drop down list of all roles and memberships at your venue.