Within the Booking module, Clubspark makes it simple to manage all your booking in one place.
Booking Table Basics
On the landing page of the Booking module, administrators can see a list of all existing bookings at your club. You can filter by the timeframe of bookings by setting a custom range at the top and clicking the Update button, or select one of the preset options (Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow, etc.)
You can also view and filter timeframes for cancelled bookings by clicking on the Cancelled tab.
In addition to filtering timeframes and displaying Active and Cancelled bookings, the "Booking Table"" organises booking information into several columns, which tells you everything you need to know about the bookings.
Active Booking Columns:
- Name
- Date
- Time of Booking
- Duration
- Courts
- Payment method
- Amount paid
- Cost
- Booked by (recently added)
- Booking type (recently added)
- Booking category (recently added)
- Membership status (recently added)
- Participants (recently added)
Cancelled Booking Columns:
- Name
- Date
- Time of Booking
- Duration
- Courts
- Payment method
- Amount paid
- Cost
- Cancelled by (recently added)
- Date of cancellation (recently added)
- time of cancellation (recently added)
- booked by (recently added)
- booking type (recently added)
- booking category (recently added)
- membership status (recently added)
- and participants (recently added)