Membership packages that are created 'Based on the Date Purchased' can begin at any point throughout the year and will expire after the term length, which you set when creating the package, has come to an end. This guide takes you through how to renew these membership packages.
Date of Purchase memberships start on the day that they were purchased on, and members will receive automatic renewal reminders one week prior to expiry and on the day of expiry. This reminder email will contain all the information they need about the package and a link to renew.
NOTE: Membership expiry dates have been updated, packages will expire 1 day before the end of the full term (i.e. A package for 12 months starting on April 1st will expire on the 31st of March).
Step 1: Renewal Reminders for Lapsed Members
You can also send additional renewal reminders from within the Admin area. To do this, go into the membership package, click into the 'Lapsed' tab and select the members you would like to send the renewal reminder to. You can either select everyone by checking the box next to the first name column or select individuals by checking the boxes next to their names.
Step 2:
Once you have selected their names, click 'more' button (icon with three dots). Here you will see 'Renewal', click on this to send them the renewal email.
Step 3:
You can edit the subject line and add any additional information to the email before you send it. Then select the blue 'Request payment' button.
The email received by your members will look like the one below.
Once they have clicked on the 'Apply now and renew membership' link, they will be prompted to log in. If they are already registered, they will need to use the same method to log in that they used to register with.
If they haven't registered before, they should click on the 'Don't already have an account? Register' link.
When they have signed in or registered, they will need to click on 'Renew Now'.
They will then be taken to this screen, where they will be able to select the payment method they wish to use if you have provided them with different payment options.
Once the payment has been confirmed, you will receive an email notification. If they have made the payment online, all their information will be automatically updated. However, if they pay by cash, cheque or another payment method, you will need to update the member's details manually.
You will notice that the member's status has changed from 'Lapsed' to 'Active' within the membership package and updated to the new expiry date.
Something to bear in mind, when memberships expire they will automatically be placed into a 'Lapsed' state until they renew their membership. This will factor in any stipulated grace period for the package. So if the grace period is set 10 days, they will lapse 10 days after the membership has expired.
Another consideration is the payment status in this scenario. Despite, being in a 'Lapsed' state, the record will still be shown as 'Paid' as the Lapsed member has not applied for a new membership but has fully paid for the previous package.
Payment history will show on the member's record so you can check to see which year has been paid.
Reminder emails:
Renewal reminder emails can be sent 30 days before expiry, 7 days before expiry, on the day of expiry or all of the above. In order to select which of these you would like to apply for your package, select the Date of Purchase Package you would like this to apply to, select 'Member options', 'Edit package' and then scroll to the bottom of the page, where you will see the heading 'Renewals'. Here you will be able to select how many days before expiry you would like members to receive their renewal reminder emails.