There are a few ways to cancel a booking. The first way is to click on the 'My bookings' tab on the booking sheet, as shown in the image below:
This will bring you to a list of your upcoming bookings, as shown in the image below:
To cancel a booking, click the 'Cancel' tab adjacent to the booking you would like to cancel.
The second way is via the booking confirmation email. Within the email, there will be a link, 'click here to manage your bookings', as shown in the image below. If you click this link, a new page will open up on 'Your bookings' page where you can cancel as above.
You will be asked if you are sure you want to cancel the booking, select 'Yes' if you would like to proceed:
Users with an administrator or booking administrator role can cancel a third way. They can do this by clicking on the booking on the booking sheet, which will bring up the below overlay. They can cancel other users bookings as well as their own.
To cancel the booking click the 'Cancel Booking' tab. You will then be taken to the cancel booking page, as shown in the image below:
You can click the 'Back' tab to go back to the previous page or click the 'Cancel Booking'. An email notification will be sent to the contact whose booking is being cancelled. There is pre-loaded text in the email but you have the options of writing a more detailed explanation in the 'Notification email text' box. If the booking being cancelled is part of a block booking, you are able to choose to cancel all the dates in the booking or just the booking date that you have selected.
If you click 'Cancel booking' you will then be shown a confirmation of the cancelled booking, as shown in the image below:
You can now click 'Book another court' to be taken to the booking sheet.