If you have fixed date membership packages, it's very easy to set up renewals.
- Creating A New Membership Package
Go into the 'Membership' module within your ClubSpark Admin Area and click on to '+New package'.
Tip - Add the year to the new package to help you differentiate from previous packages - e.g. Adult Members 2020.
Import members from your existing packages - e.g. from a 2019 package to your new 2020 package. You can choose to import just the active members or everyone from the previous package.
Your members from your previous package will now appear in your new package. Their status will be set to 'Pending' until they sign up to the new package and choose how they want to pay.
- Duplicating Your Current Membership Package
You can also choose to duplicate your 2019 package. To do this, click on the 'options' button at the end of the package you wish to duplicate and select 'duplicate'.
You will then be asked if you would like import active members, this will not import those who are lapsed or cancelled. Then press the blue 'duplicate' button. Your duplicated package will have the same dates but 1 year on and the members will show as pending.
The name of this new package will be Package Name Copy 2 and remain hidden, allow you to make any changes to the membership package before making it public.
- Sending Renewal Reminders
From the members listing page, you can now send a renewal email. Select all members by clicking the check box next to the first name column or select individual members by selecting the check box next to each member.
Click on the 'more' button (icon with the 3 dots) to bring up the different options. Select 'Payment' to send the renewal email.
- Renewal Email
The email will be sent with your logo and details, so make sure you've uploaded a logo in the 'website settings' section within the website module.
The subject and top part of the email is all editable. You can write what you want here to introduce your new package. When you're happy with the email this will send an invite to all of your existing members to join this package.
At the same time as renewing their membership, we also ask your members to check the details you hold for them and update this information. It's a good way to ensure your data is kept up to date.
As soon as a member joins a new package, you will receive an email to let you know. At the same time their payment history (to reflect amount paid and payment method) will be updated and status set to 'Active' in ClubSpark, if they have paid online. If they pay by other methods, you will need to manually update their details within the membership package.
Payment Reminders
Once you have sent your payment reminders, if you have the following box ticked - If they haven't paid yet the system will automatically send a reminder email to membership primary contacts 7, 14 and 21 days after a payment request was first sent to them.
If you sent the request on the 1st January - you can expect the first reminder to be sent on the 8th January for example.
If you DO NOT want your members to be sent payment reminders, you can disable these by unticking the boxes.