To send emails to your junior contacts, you have to do this through their parent or guardian. You can do this two ways. Contacts Module or though the membership module. Please see below: Contacts Module
Contacts Module
Contacts Module
In the contacts module, to send an email please follow these steps:
Junior contacts will need to have a linked parent or guardian for the 'Email contact' to appear as the email will be sent to the parent/guardian of the junior.
To email junior contacts in the contacts module, select the players you wish to email. You can use the filters to identify them and then click the email button (envelope icon) button which will activate when you have selected which members you wish to email.
Once you click on the Envelope Icon - you will see this pop up. The emails are to the parents of the juniors.
Click 'Include unregistered' for those whose parent/guardian may not have registered on the platform yet. You may also find that the number of selected juniors doesn't match the number of recipients, this is because some juniors may have the same parent/guardian.
Email from Membership Module
To email Juniors from their membership module, please follow these steps:
Go into the junior membership package, and change view to 'Main Contacts'.
Select all the parents/guardians you wish to contact and press the email button. Don't forget to the select 'iInclude unregistered' to ensure the email reaches all precipitants.
Note: Emails will be sent to the parent/guardian and NOT the junior.
Remember you can view your sent emails in the email log : Where To Find Your Email Log