The following types of emails are visible in the email log:
- Membership Emails:
- Send Membership Renewal Requests
- Send Membership Payment Requests
- Open Days:
- Send Open Day Attendees Email
- Coaching:
- Send Coaching Session Attendees Email
- Venue Emails:
- Send Venue Contact Message
- Send Coaching session Venue Contact Message
- Send Venue Users Invitation
From within the Admin Area - Click on 'Envelope' icon in the top right hand corner:
The following page will display:
Emails will display according to the DATE RANGE entered in the boxes, you edit the dates within the From/To boxes manually (click on the blue 'Update' button to accept the date).
Alternatively, click on one of the 'Show Me' options - Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow, This Week, This Month, This Year, followed by the 'Update' button, to show the emails in those periods.
The email record will be shown with: Send date, Email address, First / Last name, Subject heading and Status.
Status Meanings:
Pending - the email is in a queue – waiting to be sent out of the ClubSpark system.
Sent - the email is successfully out of the ClubSpark system, and trying to reach the recipient address.
Opened - the email was browsed by the recipient and most likely has been read.
Clicked - the recipient has clicked one or more links within the email. Please note, links will be clickable depending the recipient's browser. Some of your recipients may need to 'copy and paste' the link from your email into an internet browser to see the file / web location.
Blocked - the email did not leave our servers due to a permanent error: an invalid or non-existent email address, or the recipient reported ClubSpark as spam. Some emails may show the status 'pre-blocked', this means there was an existing error with that email address that our system had previously logged.
Bounced - the email returned with an error and it could not be delivered: e.g. recipient’s inbox is full, recipient server is not available, email address does not exist, etc.
The email can be viewed by clicking anywhere along the row in your list - an overlay will show its contents:
For Blocked emails - please contact us at: for further assistance.